Hand Shake

Step-by-step rebate and trade-in management

Fusionmoon specializes in handling the details

Rebate and trade-in management can take countless hours of your team’s valuable time. Put Fusionmoon to work on the detailed logistics and we handle every step:

  1. Your Fusionmoon trade-in administrator receives an email notification when a customer submits a claim
  2. Proof of purchase is uploaded.
  3. Trade-in administrator verifies the qualifying purchase.
  4. Administrator contacts the customer to advise that claim is approved and gathers shipping information for trade-in product.
  5. Administrator prepares return labels and sends digital file to the customer.
  6. Tracking information is entered online.
  7. Once the trade-in product is received, the administrator confirms receipt in the system.
  8. Invoice is sent to the client.
  9. When the rebate funds are receiving from the client, Fusionmoon issues the check to the customer and enters payment details in the system.

Additional tracking and reporting services

  • Email clients with daily or weekly reminders to send their invoices in order to process their trade-in or rebate claim.
  • Track shipments not received in the system to aid your receiving department
  • Provide online access to monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports
  • Provide daily customer support via email and phone for you and your customers
  • Remove duplicate claims

Reap the rewards of a trade-in or rebate program without the time-intensive hassle. Fusionmoon’s experience with logistics management makes the process seamless for you, from start to finish. So you enjoy increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

Contact Fusionmoon today to learn about our end-to-end management for your trade-in and rebate programs.

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